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New Oil and Gas Discovery Pops Up in Gulf of Mexico While Ongoing Drilling Ops Hint Another May Come Soon

Have you heard of the drilling activities at the Ewing Bank 953 well (EW 953 well)? It led to the discovery of commercial quantities of oil and natural gas and it is encountering approximately 127 feet of net pay. The target sand is at approximately 19,000 feet true vertical depth (TVD).

The preliminary data indicates an estimated gross recoverable resource potential of around 15 – 25 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMBoe). It is from a single subsea well with an initial gross production rate of 8 – 10,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (MBoe/d). The first production will be on mid-2026.

The Ewing Bank 953 well is set to be tied back to the South Timbalier 311 Megalodon host platform. It is a facility in which Talos Energy holds a partial ownership stake. This strategic tie-back is anticipated to optimize operational efficiencies and enhance production capabilities. The EW 953 well is under the operation of Walter Oil & Gas. It possesses a significant 56.7% interest in the project. Talos Energy holds a substantial 33.3% working interest. Gordy Oil Company retains the remaining 10% stake in the venture. This collaborative effort among the stakeholders underscores the importance of joint investment and resource-sharing. in the evolving landscape of offshore oil exploration and production.

Initial Findings

Joe Mills, the Interim President and Chief Executive Officer of Talos Energy, expressed enthusiasm regarding the initial findings from the Ewing Bank 953 well. He noted, “We are excited about the results of the Ewing Bank 953 well. The well-logged better than expected rock properties, which we believe should lead to a robust initial flow rate.” These promising geological characteristics are crucial as they suggest a potentially high-yield output, which could significantly contribute to the overall production portfolio of Talos Energy and its partners. The anticipated flow rate, combined with the strategic positioning of the well within an established infrastructure, not only enhances the immediate economic outlook but also supports the long-term sustainability goals of all operators involved in this project.

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Source: Offshore Energy

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Growing well productivity suggests that operators in the Permian are successfully implementing more advanced drilling & completion techniques

In our latest Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), we forecast that crude oil production in the United States. It will grow to an average of 13.7 million barrels per day (b/d). The market for natural gas production will grow to an average of 114.3 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) in 2025. Most of the forecast growth in oil and natural gas production comes from the Permian region of western Texas and eastern New Mexico. It is where we expect productivity gains, new and expanded infrastructure, and high crude oil prices will support rising production.

In order to better capture drilling activity in several onshore U.S. regions, our STEO now makes use of multiple drilling productivity metrics. The number of active rigs is the first in a sequence of metrics that affects regional production; currently more rigs are active in the Permian region than in the rest of the Lower 48 states combined. We also capture and report the number of new wells that those rigs have drilled each month.

Drilled but uncompleted wells (DUCs) have been drilled but have not yet undergone well completion activities to start producing hydrocarbons. The well completion process involves casing, cementing, perforating, hydraulic fracturing, and other procedures required to produce crude oil or natural gas. Ultimately, when these wells are completed, they begin producing crude oil, natural gas, or both.

Producers make decisions on drilling and completion operations based on market conditions, prices, and infrastructure. A downward trend in the DUC count means producers are completing more wells than they are drilling.

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Source: EIA

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New drilling technology

In a groundbreaking development for the oil industry, Chevron has announced a significant advancement in the extraction of crude oil. This is from ultra-high pressure fields of the new drilling technology.

Potentially unlocking up to 5 billion barrels of previously inaccessible resources. This revelation comes as Chevron successfully commenced oil production from its Anchor project. It is where the first well is operating at an unprecedented pressure of 20,000 pounds per square inch (psi). It is a remarkable increase of one-third over any prior well. The significance of this achievement cannot be overstated. This may reshape the landscape of oil production and expand the boundaries of what is currently considered recoverable oil.

The success of the Anchor project represents an investment of $5.7 billion. It provides an attribution to the deployment of cutting-edge technology. The design of the equipment is from industry leaders such as NOV, Dril-Quip, and Transocean. According to Bruce Niemeyer, the head of Americas oil exploration and production at Chevron, the company began pumping oil from the first Anchor well on Sunday. It is with preparations already underway for the activation of the second well. Drilling is ongoing and is nearing readiness. This innovative approach promises to enhance production capabilities and underscores Chevron’s commitment. This will leverage advanced technology to access complex and challenging oil reserves. Ultimately, it will be contributing to the energy security of the United States and the global market.

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Source: Natural Gas World

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Oil and gas mergers

Are you updated with the latest Oil and gas mergers? We have been in the habit of somewhat cavalierly discussing things like the federal budget or U.S. debt in terms of trillions of dollars. In recent years, numbers are so enormous that they defy the human mind’s ability to comprehend them. One number jumps off the page of the latest quarterly review of oil and gas upstream mergers and acquisition activity from energy data and analysis firm Enverus Intelligence Research (EIR).

EIR finds that over the past 12 months, upstream consolidation deals have totaled to an unprecedented $250 billion. This equates to a quarter of a trillion. So, we haven’t reached $1 trillion, but the very fact this number can be reasonably expressed as a meaningful fraction of that level is somewhat astonishing. It shows just how intense this latest rush to consolidate and grow larger in America’s shale patch has been.

have you heard the $22.5 billion merger between oil giants ConocoPhillips and Marathon Oil? it is the most current quarter of April through June saw more than $30 billion in new deals transacted. Andrew Dittmar. The principal analyst at EIR, notes that upstream M&A activity has reached that level in just three previous quarters since EIR began tracking this information.

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Source: Forbes

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oil rig count

The oil rig count of active drilling rigs for oil and gas in the United States rose this week, according to new data that Baker Hughes published on Friday.

The total rig count rose by 3 to 589 this week, compared to 664 rigs this same time last year.
The number of oil rigs rose by 5 this week, after falling by a single rig in the week prior. Oil rigs now stand at 482—down by 47 compared to this time last year. The number of gas rigs fell by 2 this week to 101, a loss of 27 active gas rigs from this time last year. Miscellaneous rigs stayed the same at 6.

Crude Oil Production

Meanwhile, U.S. crude oil production stayed the same for the week ending July 19. Current weekly oil production in the United States, according to the EIA, is now on par with the all-time high of 13.3 million bpd.

Primary Vision’s Frac Spread Count, an estimate of the number of crews completing wells that are unfinished, fell sharply in the week ending July 19, from 238 to 228—the lowest levels since June 2021.

Drilling activity in the Permian fell by 1 this week at 304, a figure that is 30 fewer than this same time last year. The count in the Eagle Ford rose by 1 this week, rising to 49 after climbing by 1 rig in the week prior. Rigs in the Eagle Ford are now 5 below where they were this time last year.
Oil prices were down sharply on Friday. At 1:00 p.m. ET, the WTI benchmark was trading down $1.19 (-1.52%) on the day at $77.09. The Brent benchmark was trading down $1.29 (-1.57%) on the day at $81.08.

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Source: Oil Price

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US oil and gas

The total number of active drilling rigs for oil and gas in the United States rose this week. This is according to new data that Baker Hughes published on Friday.

The total rig count rose by 2 to 586 this week, compared to 669 rigs this same time last year.

The number of oil rigs fell by 1 this week, falling by a single rig in the week prior. Oil rigs now stand at 477—down by 53 compared to this time last year. The number of gas rigs rose by 3 this week to 103, a loss of 28 active gas rigs from this time last year. Miscellaneous rigs stayed the same at 6.

Meanwhile, U.S. crude oil production rose 1 million bpd to 13.3 million bpd for for the week ending July 12. Current weekly oil production in the United States, according to the EIA, is now on par with the all-time high of 13.3 million bpd.

Primary Vision’s Frac Spread Count

Primary Vision’s Frac Spread Count an estimate of the number of crews. It is completing wells that are unfinished, fell in the week ending July 12, from 242 to 238.

Drilling activity in the Permian stayed the same this week at 305. This is a figure that is 28 fewer than this same time last year. The count in the Eagle Ford rose by 1 this week, rising to 49 after falling by 1 rig in the week prior. Rigs in the Eagle Ford are now 8 below where they were this time last year.Oil prices were down sharply on Friday. At 1:10 p.m. ET, the WTI benchmark was trading down $2.13 (-2.57%) on the day at $80.69. The Brent benchmark was trading down $1.99 (-2.34%) on the day at $83.12.

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Source: Oil Price

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Matador Resources Company has announced the acquisition of Permian Basin oil and gas properties from Ameredev II Parent, LLC for $1.9B.

Deals, Oil and Gas M&A – Matador Resources Company has announced the acquisition of Permian Basin oil and gas properties from Ameredev II Parent, LLC for $1.9 billion. This deal includes a 19% stake in Piñon Midstream and enhances Matador’s existing portfolio with high-quality assets in Lea County, New Mexico, and Loving and Winkler Counties, Texas.

The recent acquisition by Matador Resources marks a significant milestone in the company’s growth and strategic expansion efforts. With the addition of over 33,500 net acres in the Delaware basin, Matador’s total acreage now exceeds 190,000, solidifying its position as a key player in the oil and gas industry. Furthermore, the acquisition boosts the company’s production capabilities, with current production levels exceeding 180,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day and proven reserves totaling over 580 million barrels of oil equivalent. These impressive figures not only demonstrate Matador’s commitment to enhancing its asset base but also highlight the potential for increased free cash flow and profitability in the future.

Prolific Permian Basin

By strengthening its presence in the prolific Permian basin, specifically the Delaware sub-basin, Matador Resources is strategically positioning itself for sustained success in the competitive energy market. The addition of 431 operated drilling locations further enhances Matador’s operational scale and drilling inventory, providing ample opportunities for future growth and development. As a result of this acquisition, Matador’s growth trajectory is expected to accelerate, with market valuation projections now exceeding $10 billion. This strategic move underscores Matador’s commitment to driving value for shareholders while leveraging opportunities in one of the most productive regions in the United States for oil and gas exploration and production.

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Source: Oil Price

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The EIA said on Monday that American shale output from the top-producing regions would soar to a six-month high in June.

The U.S. oil output hit an all-time high in the final two months of 2023. It is with year-over-year growth clocking in at over 1 million barrels per day. This is what the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said on Monday. Basically, the American shale output from the top-producing regions would soar to a six-month high in June.

This was during the monthly Drilling Productivity Report released on Monday. the EIA said production in the top basins in the American shale. Its patch would hit 9.85 million barrels per day–a volume not seen since December.

Shale output accounting for some 75% of total U.S. oil production and well productivity. It improved by the day, output has a clear path for increasing.

According to the EIA, the production per new drilling rig in the Permian basin should hit 1,400 bpd in June, compared to 1,386 in May, which also represents the highest monthly output per single rig since late 2021. Overall, output in the Permian Basin is expected to rise to 6.19 million bpd for a total rise of nearly 18,000 bpd. By comparison, Eagle Ford output in Texas is poised to reach 1.11 million bpd–a record since last December, while output in the Bakken will increase just barely.

In December last year, U.S. crude oil production rose from 11 million bpd in July to 13.3 million bpd. This is as producers took advantage of higher oil prices coming off a pandemic.

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Source: Oil & Gas 360

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Enverus reports this week that oil & gas upstream mergers and acquisitions reached a new 1st quarter high over the initial 3 months of 2024.

Big energy analytics and advisory firm Enverus reports this week. That oil and gas upstream mergers and acquisitions reached a new first quarter high. Over the initial three months of 2024. In a release sent out Tuesday, report author Andrew Dittmar. Principal Analyst at Enverus Intelligence Research (EIR), says M&A activity for Q1 2024 totaled to more than $51 billion in deal value.

In an interview, Dittmar says the action started right after the holidays. “We woke up on January 4 to the news that Apache Corp. was doing a $4.5 billion deal to acquire Callon Energy,” he says. “We knew Callon had been on the block, so that wasn’t surprising. Although it was a little surprising. Apache was the acquiring company, just since they haven’t been all that active in the space.”

The record first quarter comes on the heels of the 21st century-high deal total of $192 billion for 2023. Although the Q1 total deal value of $51 billion maintains the pace set last year. Dittmar says he doesn’t expect it to continue for much longer. “The remaining inventory for potential deals remains in the Permian Basin.” He points out, adding, “and the Permian is increasingly controlled by ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, Diamondback Energy, Chevron, and Occidental.”

All of those companies have executed major Permian-heavy deals in recent years. And Dittmar says they are now content to own as big a position in the most active basin in the country as they can.

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Source: Forbes

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Macquarie models U.S. production exiting 2025 at about 14.5 MMbpd, despite expectations for significantly lower crude prices.

U.S. oil production is set to end the year at a record pace of about 14 MMbpd as falling costs and better drilling efficiency overshadow low growth plans from publicly note down companies, Macquarie Group Ltd. analysts said in a note.

Macquarie be on one’s feet out among analysts last year with its projection of surge U.S. shale production and ultimately show to be true or correct. Its latest forecast comes as shale-oil operators are vowing to rein in production growth for a fourth straight year and consolidation in the industry presents headwinds to further growth. The U.S. government expects production to edge up to 13.2 MMbpd this year.

According to Macquarie’s projections, U.S. production is expect to reach approximately 14.5 million barrels per day by the year 2025. This forecast holds true even in the face of expectations for notably reduced crude prices. The modeling conducted by Macquarie suggests that despite the challenging market conditions and potential price fluctuations, the United States will continue to maintain a robust level of oil production in the coming years.

The prediction of U.S. production levels remaining steady at 14.5 million barrels per day by 2025 serves as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the domestic oil industry. Despite the volatile nature of the market and the potential for lower prices impacting production, Macquarie’s analysis indicates a strong outlook for oil output in the United States. This projection not only underscores the nation’s significant role in the global oil market but also highlights the strategic planning and operational efficiency of U.S. oil producers in navigating challenging economic conditions.

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Source: Oil & Gas 360

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