Oil and gas Stays and Are here to stay

BP's latest energy outlook forecasts oil demand to peak in 2025, but the decline will be gradual, with consumption remaining high in 2035.

The energy transition is showing signs of losing momentum over the past few months. EV sales are slowing, wind and solar capacity additions are not expanding fast enough, and electricity is getting more instead of less expensive. But experts still believe that Oil and gas Stays!

With those signs, others have been flashing red, too. Despite the push against oil and gas, these are here to stay for the long haul—and demand won’t even decline that much after peaking, according to the latest energy outlook of BP.

The supermajor, which used to compile the Statistical Review of World Energy, now does its own review. And according to its latest edition, oil demand will peak next year. And it’s not the first time it’s called the peak for oil demand.

Statistical Review

The last time its statistical review said that demand growth had peaked—in 2019—it turned out to be very wrong. In reality, oil demand soared after the end of the pandemic lockdowns to reach new all-time highs.

Now, BP has noted that over the past five years, oil demand has been growing at an average of half a million barrels daily since 2019, but that is about to end, with demand on the decline over the next couple of decades. But here’s the thing. Before, BP forecast that this decline would be quite substantial. Now, it expects that in 2035, the world will still consume 97.8 million barrels of oil per day in 2035, which would be a relatively minor decline from the current rate of consumption, which is about 100 million barrels daily, which may rise above that this year if demand strengthens in the second half.

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Source: Oil Price

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