In the months after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine any hint of bad news sent energy prices into the stratosphere. When a fire forced an American gas plant to close, strikes clogged French oil terminals, Russia demanded Europe pay for fuel in roubles or the weather looked grimmer than usual, markets went wild. Since January, however, […] Land and Minerals Land and Minerals2023-06-23 08:00:332023-09-28 08:04:04Against Expectations, Oil and gas Remain Cheap
The global oil & gas fabrication market size was worth USD 4.86 billion in 2021. The market value is slated to rise from USD 5.03 billion in 2022 to USD 6.93 billion by 2029 at 4.7% CAGR during the forecast period. The infrastructure of the oil & gas industry is complex. An oil rig or platform is […] Land and Minerals Land and Minerals2023-06-16 08:00:252023-09-28 08:04:33Oil and Gas Fabrication Market Size to Hit USD 6.93 Billion, Globally, by 2029 at a CAGR of 4.7%
The biggest U.S. shale regions are expected to produce a record-high level of crude oil in July. Growth is sputtering and set to be the slowest since December 2022. With that, data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) showed on Monday. The seven main shale-producing regions in the United States are expected to pump 9.375 […] Land and Minerals Land and Minerals2023-06-15 08:00:102023-09-28 08:04:43EIA Sees Record U.S. Shale Output Despite Slow Growth
Against Expectations, Oil and gas Remain Cheap
IndustryIn the months after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine any hint of bad news sent energy prices into the stratosphere. When a fire forced an American gas plant to close, strikes clogged French oil terminals, Russia demanded Europe pay for fuel in roubles or the weather looked grimmer than usual, markets went wild. Since January, however, […]
Oil and Gas Fabrication Market Size to Hit USD 6.93 Billion, Globally, by 2029 at a CAGR of 4.7%
IndustryThe global oil & gas fabrication market size was worth USD 4.86 billion in 2021. The market value is slated to rise from USD 5.03 billion in 2022 to USD 6.93 billion by 2029 at 4.7% CAGR during the forecast period. The infrastructure of the oil & gas industry is complex. An oil rig or platform is […]
EIA Sees Record U.S. Shale Output Despite Slow Growth
IndustryThe biggest U.S. shale regions are expected to produce a record-high level of crude oil in July. Growth is sputtering and set to be the slowest since December 2022. With that, data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) showed on Monday. The seven main shale-producing regions in the United States are expected to pump 9.375 […]