Seek to Support OPEC and Russia Seek to Support the Price of Oil. Oil ministers meeting this coming week are expected to continue an agreement to reduce production. OPEC’s main producers find themselves in a predicament: They must reduce their own output to sustain prices at levels they consider acceptable but the higher prices encourage more […] Land & Minerals Land & Minerals2019-07-02 13:55:312024-02-04 03:51:37OPEC and Russia Seek to Support the Price of Oil
Is oil price really going up? By early April, global crude-oil benchmark ICE Brent Crude Futures had closed over $70 per barrel for the first time since November 2018, having already surged by some 30 percent since the beginning of the year. Just a few weeks later, it rallied to $75 per barrel to hit […] Land & Minerals Land & Minerals2019-07-02 13:40:472023-12-31 02:18:17IS OIL ON ITS WAY BACK UP TO $100 PER BARREL?
Shale Gas Impact Fees, Yielded its Highest Payout Shale Gas Impact Fees on natural gas wells yielded its highest payout to date this year, in 2018, the annual fee imposed on wells harnessing the abundant natural gas reserves in the Marcellus and Utica shales of the state yielded an impressive sum of $243 million. This […]
OPEC and Russia Seek to Support the Price of Oil
IndustrySeek to Support OPEC and Russia Seek to Support the Price of Oil. Oil ministers meeting this coming week are expected to continue an agreement to reduce production. OPEC’s main producers find themselves in a predicament: They must reduce their own output to sustain prices at levels they consider acceptable but the higher prices encourage more […]
IndustryIs oil price really going up? By early April, global crude-oil benchmark ICE Brent Crude Futures had closed over $70 per barrel for the first time since November 2018, having already surged by some 30 percent since the beginning of the year. Just a few weeks later, it rallied to $75 per barrel to hit […]
Shale gas impact fees raise $252 million, breaking record!
IndustryShale Gas Impact Fees, Yielded its Highest Payout Shale Gas Impact Fees on natural gas wells yielded its highest payout to date this year, in 2018, the annual fee imposed on wells harnessing the abundant natural gas reserves in the Marcellus and Utica shales of the state yielded an impressive sum of $243 million. This […]