Shale Rail released plans to add an additional new track. The Wysox location has the capacity to transload over 80,000 tons per month of frac sand. Read the full article here Source:
Natural gas rates will go up next month under new rates. The PUC approved an overall increase of $5.3 million, or 8.5%. The company said the monthly bill of a typical customer using 62 therms per month will increase by $3.89, or 8.3%. It is from $46.69 to $50.58. Commercial customers who average 264 therms […] Land & Minerals Land & Minerals2019-10-31 16:24:132023-09-28 14:32:50Natural Gas Rates Go Up in November
Texans are now voting on 10 amendments to the state constitution. Proposition #4 deals with a state income tax. Proposition #7 pertains to the permanent school fund, which invests revenue from state-owned lands — such as leasing mineral rights to oil and gas companies. Read the full article here Source: Land & Minerals Land & Minerals2019-10-31 16:00:412019-10-31 16:00:41Texas income tax question on the ballot
Rail, frac sand provider expanding in Marcellus shale
IndustryShale Rail released plans to add an additional new track. The Wysox location has the capacity to transload over 80,000 tons per month of frac sand. Read the full article here Source:
Natural Gas Rates Go Up in November
IndustryNatural gas rates will go up next month under new rates. The PUC approved an overall increase of $5.3 million, or 8.5%. The company said the monthly bill of a typical customer using 62 therms per month will increase by $3.89, or 8.3%. It is from $46.69 to $50.58. Commercial customers who average 264 therms […]
Texas income tax question on the ballot
IndustryTexans are now voting on 10 amendments to the state constitution. Proposition #4 deals with a state income tax. Proposition #7 pertains to the permanent school fund, which invests revenue from state-owned lands — such as leasing mineral rights to oil and gas companies. Read the full article here Source: