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oil industry

IBM wants to dig more deeply into oil and gas. They want to explore more about the oil industry.

In partnership with oilfield services giant Schlumberger (SLB), IBM will create a digital platform. A platform where oil and gas companies can access real-time data and software give them a competitive advantage.

The platform will layer Schlumberger’s suite of apps, called DELFI, onto IBM technology to provide digital tools to oil and gas companies — which rely heavily on computing-heavy processes like surveying a drilling site. The software could, for example, help determine if the soil and landscape in a certain area are good for drilling, or which angle is the best to drill to access the most oil over time.

“Digital has become an imperative for our industry,” Schlumberger CEO Olivier Le Peuch told CNN Business. “The whole industry recognizes that this is what can unlock the next level of efficiency, productivity and performance.”

A tech platform for oil and gas

The Schlumberger partnership is part of IBM’s big bet on “hybrid cloud” — a technical setup that lets companies manage data using multiple clouds in addition to their own on-premises servers. It relies on software from Red Hat, which IBM acquired for a whopping $34 billion in July 2019, which makes it easier to move data between those various spaces.

Click here to read the full article.

Source: CNN

If you have further question related to the oil industry, feel free to reach out to us here.


The US oil industry probably passed the low point in the current cycle in July and August, with drilling rates set to start increasing from September or October and production turning up from March or April 2021.

Since hitting a low in late April, when the coronavirus epidemic was raging and lockdowns were most stringent, front-month US oil futures prices have progressively risen for the last 19 weeks.

Over the last 30 years, changes in futures prices have typically been followed by changes in drilling with an average delay of 4-5 months (15-20 weeks) and changes in output with an overall delay of 9-12 months.

Click here to read the full article.

Source: ETEnergyworld


Once on the margin of the margins, calls for the nationalization of US fossil fuel interests are growing. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the basic argument was this: nationalization could expedite the phasing out of fossil fuels in order to reach climate targets while ensuring a “just transition” for workers in coal, oil, and gas. Nationalization would also remove the toxic political influence of “Big Oil” and other large fossil fuel corporations. The legal architecture for nationalization exists — principally via “eminent domain” — and should be used.

But the case for nationalization has gotten stronger in recent months. The share values of large fossil fuel companies have tanked, so this is a good time for the federal government to buy. In April 2020, one source estimated that a 100 percent government buyout of the entire sector would cost $700 billion, and a 51 percent stake in each of the major companies would, of course, be considerably less. However, in May 2020 stock prices rose by a third or so based on expectations of a fairly rapid restoration of demand.

Click here to read the full article.

Source: Jacobin Mag

Oil Market Recovery

Following last week’s price rally, oil prices move higher on Monday morning, on bullish demand figures coming from China. Additionally, U.S. dollar weakness contributed to last week’s price rally. Traders are also expecting deeper OPEC+ cuts of 1.15 million bbl/d in August and September. As a result, Brent crude traded above $46 which was mainly driven by the supply disruption triggered by the hurricanes in the Gulf Mexico, which affected around 84% of the USGC production where around 1.7 million bbl/d remain offline.

Laura, a category 4 hurricane made landfall early Thursday last week, in the Southwestern part of Louisiana. becoming one of the most powerful storms in history to hit the state. More than 310 offshore platforms, out of 643, were evacuated in addition to nine refineries leading to a 2.7 million bbl/d outage, around 15% of the US refining capacity. Furthermore, initial reports reveal that the damage caused to the refineries is minor, but continuing power outages could delay the resumption of refining operations.

Click here to read the full article.

Source: Oil Price


Oil and gas companies active in the Gulf of Mexico have shut in almost 58 percent of oil production on Monday as two tropical storms threaten operations.

Oil and gas companies active in the Gulf of Mexico have shut in almost 58 percent of oil production and 44.6 percent of gas production as a hurricane and a tropical storm are approaching the area. The shut-in oil output stands at over 1.065 million bpd and the shut-in gas production is about 1.205 billion cu ft daily.

The staff on 114 production platforms had been evacuated as of Sunday. These platforms represent 1.773 percent of all Gulf of Mexico platforms, the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement said. Workers were also evacuated from five of the ten drilling rigs in the Gulf, the BSEE also said in an update. BP, Chevron, Shell, and Equinor were among the companies evacuating platform staff.

Click here to read the full article.

Source: Oil Price


The double negatives of a demand-culling pandemic and wildly declining sentiment trouncing the oil and gas. It is also pushing companies to record lows, with $30 billion in collective debt, trying to pick a winner in this sector is growing more challenging by the day. Oil boom is really coming.

On the demand front, the IEA has just cut its 2020 oil production forecast by 140,000 BPD to 91.9 million BPD, sending the FTSE 100 index down 73 points, citing the airline industry’s troubles as a key source of weakness in the oil market.

But the megatrend of ESG, or “impact” investing, is the wider threat to the oil and gas industry, with energy stocks finding themselves in the penalty box due to heightened concerns about ever-rising carbon emissions and poor governance. It’s all prompting capital to flee the sector at an unprecedented rate—even faster due to the pandemic.

The energy sector has been the worst performer in the S&P 500, gaining just 34% over the timeframe according to Refinitiv data. And in the three-month period to June, Big Oil posted massive losses as the demand shock set in.

Click here to read the full article.

Source: Oil Price

If you have further questions about Oil Boom, feel free to contact us here.


A growing number of oil and gas companies are looking to measure and reduce their carbon emissions under increased pressure from shareholders to join the fight against climate change – and the result is that the tech industry is starting to get into the oil and gas game.

A growing number of technology companies – from well-established names to start-ups – are now launching carbon emissions tracking and accounting software, Reuters reports.

In June, Germany’s SAP launched a carbon emissions accounting system to help firms manage and reduce their carbon footprint and accelerate the move to sustainable business practices.

Click here to read the full article.

Source: Oil Price

oil industry

Bank of America expects oil prices to recover to $60 a barrel for Brent crude in the first half of next year thanks to shrinking global inventories and prices improving faster than previously expected.

“Back in June, we upped our oil price forecasts by $5 per barrel (/bbl) and argued that Brent would average $43/bbl in 2020 and $50/bbl in 2021,” Bank of America’s analysts said as quoted by Trade Arabia.

However, since then, oil futures have been rising faster than expected even though spot prices remained range-bound, the bank noted. Because of this and because it expects an oil market deficit of 4.9 million BPD for the second half of this year and another of 1.7 million bpd next year, BofA expects prices to shoot up.

The bank’s analysts noted the slump in drilling rigs, notably in the U.S. shale patch, and the OPEC+ oil production cuts as some of the main factors that would push the oil market into a deficit and prop up prices.

However, the demand side remains a downward pressure for prices. The IEA and OPEC were the latest to sound a cautious note in their respective monthly reports. The IEA said it expected oil demand this year to be down 8.1 million bpd from last year, while OPEC estimated a demand loss of 9.1 million bpd this year.

Click here to read the full article.

Source: Oil Price

If you have further questions about the Bank of America oil prices updates, feel free to reach out to us here.

oil-rig-increasing oil price

The market is beginning to give credence to something we’ve been discussing in past years concerning the increasing oil price.

In a June 2020 article entitled, Underinvestment Could Send Oil Prices Soaring, I argued how the retrenchment and lack of capital investment the industry has seen over the past five years would lead to shortages of crude eventually. The huge volume of Saudi overproduction exacerbated the equal largess in American shale for the past couple of years and led to a glut of crude globally.

EIA-WPSR The blue line shows weekly storage numbers beginning to edge back into the five-year range.

We are now starting to work off this glut as noted in the weekly EIA petroleum status report above, and the day of reckoning I forecast in June is just around the corner, a few months hence at most. Even the news in July that OPEC+ would start restoring as much as two-million BOPD through the end of the year, failed to quiet the unease beginning to take hold in the market. News like that would have sent prices into the cellar in May, having left the current contracts above $41 for WTI and near $45 for Brent.

Click here to read the full article.

If you have further questions related to the increasing oil price, feel free to contact us here. 

oil and gas drilling

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) expects to finalize and sign this week new rules about methane emissions for the oil and gas sector, including putting an end to requirements that companies have systems in place to detect methane leaks, senior administration officials told The Wall Street Journal.

The EPA has proposed updating the Obama administration’s rules on methane emissions and detection.

Last year in August, the EPA proposed updates to the air regulations for the oil and gas industry in order to “remove regulatory duplication and save the industry millions of dollars in compliance costs each year – while maintaining health and environmental regulations on oil and gas sources that the agency considers appropriate.”

Click here to read the full article.

Source: Oil Price