Banning oil and gas is ‘absolutely insane’ says BLM Chief.

banning oil

Bureau of Land Management acting chief William Perry Pendley today slammed calls by some Democratic presidential contenders to ban oil and gas leasing on federal lands. Want to know more about the issue of banning oil?

“A tremendous amount of the energy we use every day, whether it’s gasoline or natural gas or oil, comes from federal lands. So much of the oil and gas comes from public lands,”

Pendley broadly stressed the importance of developing oil and natural gas resources on federal lands and waters despite criticisms that the Trump administration has placed energy development above all other priorities.

When asked at the panel session about the climate impacts of extracting fossil fuels from federal lands, Pendley said the economic value of developing resources is critical to rural Western communities, such as along the Western Slope.

“The development of these resources is the life’s blood for these people,” he said. “The most important environment for most people is, do they have a home? Can they provide fuel? Next, can they provide food? Can they provide the wherewithal for their families? And that means jobs. And the BLM and industry, whether it’s the recreational industry or the oil and gas industry, provides those jobs.”

Read the full article here

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