Entries by Ranger Land and Minerals

Texas could tighten some natural gas flaring rules by fall

Texas as early as this fall could tighten some rules for the controversial practice of natural gas flaring, the head of the state’s regulatory commission said on Tuesday. The practice of burning off unwanted natural gas produced alongside more profitable oil has become a top issue for both environmentalists and investors, who are focused on […]

Mineral Rights For Sale – What Happens When You Sell It?

Many people know how to sell their mineral rights. Some will just market it and have a simple promotion such as “Mineral Rights For Sale”. In fact, if you have valuable producing or non-producing mineral rights in the United States, you may be getting offers to sell all the time. The fact is, oil and […]

Mineral Rights Valuation

Are mineral rights valuable? Well, yes and no. Below, we will answer this question by exploring the different kinds of mineral rights and mineral rights valuation. The Short Answer Yes. Mineral rights are valuable. Owning mineral rights is just like owning land or any other property. Of course, mineral rights entitle you to all of […]


The Importance of Oil to Energy Development

The modern history and innovation of petroleum dates back to 1846 when the process of refining kerosene from coal was introduced. The credit for this process goes to Nova Acotian Abraham Pineo Gesner. The speed of time stimulated human brain cells to such an extent that Agencie Lucasovic introduced the terms to the gas refinery, […]


What is an Average Natural Gas Well Production?

More often than not, individuals looking to earn income from their mineral rights are hopeful to find oil below their property. The now-timeless art of getting rich off of your land is almost synonymous with striking a fruitful field of crude oil. But what about natural gas? In this article, we are going to take […]

Report: Marcellus dethrones Permian Basin as top destination for frac crews

The Marcellus Shale, which stretches across Pennsylvania and West Virginia, has dethroned the Permian Basin of West Texas and eastern New Mexico as the top U.S. destination for hydraulic fracturing crews. The Marcellus, which is rich in natural gas, has 31 percent of the active hydraulic fracturing crews in the field, followed by the oil-rich […]


What Do Mineral Rights Mean and How to Convey It?

In the United States, mineral rights can be extremely valuable in earning oil or gas royalties. However, when it comes to selling your property, the documentation may cite “conveying” mineral rights to the new owner as a part of the agreement. If you are unclear what this means, then you’ve come to the right place. […]


Oil Production in Texas

The United States produces more barrels of oil than any other country in the world. Within the US border, no state produces more oil than Texas, and this is by a landslide. In fact, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, oil production in Texas produces over 3 times as many barrels as North Dakota, […]