Entries by Ranger Land and Minerals

Worst is Over for Oil and Gas Markets: OPEC Secretary General

According to Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo, secretary-general of OPEC, the enormous and unprecedented oil market imbalance facing the industry in April following the COVID-19 pandemic required an unparalleled response from producers Underlining the importance of the two-year agreement signed in the Declaration of Cooperation (DoC) on 12 April by OPEC and non-OPEC oil producing countries and […]

Do Mineral Rights Expire?

Owning property can raise a lot of questions, especially if your property is underground. Mineral rights entitle owners to the precious minerals below the Earth’s surface. What happens when a mineral rights owner passes away or simply neglects their asset? In this article, we will explore the question “do mineral rights expire?” Reverting Mineral Rights […]

Preparing for New Oil World

It’s clear COVID-19 is having a profound impact on the cornerstone industries of our economy. Regardless of the industry they operate in, all firms will need to plan to anticipate the shape of recovery and prepare for the next normal. This is particularly complex for the energy industry. With global lockdowns cutting demand and social […]

Mineral Rights Ownership: How Do I Know If I Own My Mineral Rights?

Mineral rights are valuable. If you suspect that your land may have precious minerals below the surface, then you may be able to financially benefit. Do you have mineral rights ownership? Then you can sell or lease them to an oil and gas company to begin the extraction process. If you’re not sure whether or […]

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Oil and Gas Royalty Deductions Guide for Tax Season

There are only a few better feelings than getting your oil and gas royalty check in the mail. Whether you have decided to lease your mineral rights or you have aided in an operation’s production, the extraction and sale of oil or gas earn you a nice bit of money each month. Of course, all […]

Shell Joins Other Oil Majors In Energy Transition Push

Oil supermajor Shell plans to announce by the end of the year a significant restructuring to reflect its net-zero emissions goal for 2050 and to align itself with a green recovery from the pandemic, a Shell source told Reuters on Tuesday. Shell’s chief executive Ben van Beurden has told employees in an internal website video […]

What are Oil Royalties?

Oil royalties are a pretty simple concept but can warrant some very significant income. Here is a century fact in the United States. Individuals have been receiving oil royalties for the valuable resources below their property. In this article, we are going to give a brief overview of what are oil royalties. Additionally, we will […]

JP Morgan Predicts $100 Oil

It may sound far-fetched at a time when many are worrying if Brent could rise back to $50 a barrel, but at least one analyst believes the benchmark could not only recoup all that it lost in value since the start of the year but shoot up over $100 a barrel in the observable future. […]


Subsurface Rights: What Exactly Do I Own?

So you’ve just bought some property, congratulations. Under the sale of a fee simple estate, it is common for most landowners in the United States to own both the surface and subsurface rights of their property. In this article, we are going to define subsurface rights and cover everything you need to know about what […]


Selling Mineral Rights in Texas: 5 Simple Steps to Take

Here in the Lone Star State, we know what we have is valuable. Texas is a great place to live and also has some of the world’s largest producing oil and gas fields spread across the state. If you’ve got a special piece of this land that you’d like to sell for your financial gain, […]